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Other Resources
- Knight Digital Media Center Available tutorials: Video, Audio, Photography, Web design, Flash, Multimedia storytelling, Mashups; Cost: free
- J-Learning Available tutorials: Web design, Video, Audio, Graphic Design, SWiSHmax, Blogging, Photography, Databases; Cost: free
- Media College Available tutorials: Video, Audio, Photography, Graphic design, Web design, Various software (Flash, Photoshop, etc.); Cost: free
- lynda.com Available tutorials: Pretty much everything under the sun, from software to online tools; Cost: $25 monthly/$250 annual membership
- BBC Training & Development Available tutorials: HTML, Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop, Audio editing and recording and more; Cost: Varies
- tutsearch Search hand-picked tutorial sites Available tutorials: Photoshop, CSS, Illustrator, Flash, JQuery, Web design; Cost: Free
- Common Craft A series of short explanatory videos that focused on making complex technical concepts ideas easier to understand. Covers everything from wikis to RSS to social media to social bookmarking
- Tutorial Today Available tutorials: Photoshop, Flash, CSS, HTML, Javascript, PHP and more; Cost: free
- W3Schools.com
- Vimeo Video School Vimeo Video School is a fun place for anyone to learn how to make better videos. It’s a one-stop-shop for Vimeo Lessons and user-made video tutorials about a variety of video-making topics.