Thursday, November 18, 2010

Game Film Week14

1.      Which is/are correct?
a.      New Zealand fishermen have caught an expected world-record-breaking squid on Monday.
b.      New Zealand fishermen caught an expected world-record-breaking squid on Monday,
c.      New Zealand fishermen caught an expected world-record-breaking squid.
d.      New Zealand fishermen have caught an expected world-record-breaking squid on Monday.

Online hed = Fishermen catch largest colossal squid specimen
and print head =
Fishing boat lands record-
breaking squid specimen
ßYou do not hyphenate headlines. Also, with both headlines be concrete and specific = dwi  such as weight and/or length. also, online re seo = place names would be good.
Fishermen catch largest
squid on record; 990 pounds
Cutline –
A New Zealand fishing crew pulls a nearly-dead colossal squid aboard their boat, breaking a record for largest colossal squid specimen ever to be landed intact.
ß again, use length and weight

Local news said the Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoniß correct, but you would not use italics

To Land = To “land a fish” (or a squid)  means to catch it and bring it safely to the bank or into the boat.